Are Jose and David Benavidez related? Looking into the ex-boxing champion's family life

David Benavidez is a prominent name in the world of boxing today and is a former two-time WBC super middleweight champion. David Benavidez's elder brother Jose Benavidez is also a professional boxer who fought for the WBO welterweight championship back in 2018. Both athletes are trained by their father Jose Benavidez Sr..

David Benavidez holds the record for being the youngest super middleweight champion (20 years, eight months, three weeks, and one day old) in the sport's history. 'El Bandera Roja' is currently 26 years old and is undefeated in his professional boxing career. 'El Monstruo' holds an impressive record of 27-0, and 23 of those victories have come via knockouts.

On the other hand, Jose Benavidez is 31 years old and has a professional boxing record of 28-2-1. His two losses have come against Terence Crawford and Danny Garcia. The elder Benavidez sibling recently made his acting debut by appearing in the third installment of the hit Hollywood franchise 'Creed' in 2023.

Both Jose and David Benavidez are set to compete in the same event on November 25. 'El Bandera Roja' will headline the card in a 12-round fight against Demetrius Andrade. The WBC interim super middleweight title will be on the line in the main event, and the card will take place at the Michelob Ultra Arena in Paradise, Nevada.

Andrade is also undefeated as a boxer with a 32-0 record. So, it will be interesting to see as to who will emerge victorious between the two undefeated athletes.

In the co-main event, Joe Benavidez will lock horns against Jermall Charlo in a 10-round bout. Charlo is undefeated and boasts a 32-0 professional record. But 'Hitman' has been out of action for over two years. So, it remains to be seen whether the 33-year-old will be able to continue his undefeated run after a long hiatus or whether Benavidez will hand him the first loss of his boxing career.

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