Where to volunteer in Atlanta for Thanksgiving 2020

Needed: Santa’s elves. Yes, it seems that Santa is quarantining in the North Pole, so he’s going to need all his little helpers to step up and ensure Atlantans have a memorable holiday with bellies full of healthy food, and clothes and toys under the tree.

ExploreAJC 2020 Holiday Guide


The Empty Stocking Fund. 404-876-8697, emptystockingfund.org

Salvation Army of Metro Atlanta Angel Tree Atlanta. 404-486-2900, angeltreeatlanta.org

Nana Grants. 770-845-3663, nanagrants.org

Center for Family Resources. 770-428-2601, thecrf.org

Helping Mamas. 770-985-8010, helpingmamas.org

Second Helpings Atlanta. 678-894-9761, secondhelpingsatlanta.org

Atlanta Community Food Bank. 404-892-3333, acfb.org

Jewish Family & Career Services. 770-677-9300, jfcsatl.org

Clark’s Christmas Kids. clarkschristmaskids.com

Lift Up Atlanta. 678-245-4622, liftupatlanta.org

Cathedral of Christ the King Christmas Connections Adopt-A-Family. 404-717-9589, cathedralctk.com

Hosea Helps. 404-755-3353, 4hosea.org
